Thursday, February 21, 2013

A New Chapter

I'm turning over a new leaf. If you have read any of this blog before, you know I love to eat, cook and yet maintain a healthy BMI. Heretofore, I have used fasting for my main body weight control method. But as I get older I have really come to believe that it is more important to focus on overall health, than on weight or dress size. In the last year I have focused on getting more exercise, eating more healthy foods and not obsessing on the gravitational pull of the earth on my body. Oh, I still look at the scale once in awhile to make sure it's not getting out of hand, but I'm not AS worried about numbers on a scale anymore.. they are, after all   just numbers. Fasting works, but I really want to protect my bones as I get older, so I want to concentrate on eating what my body needs for healthy maintenance and repair, which includes calcium, leafy green vegetables and variety of fruits and vegetables.

Sometimes I feel like I have two dueling personalities. One side loves to cook, eat, create and celebrate life, often with food. Think Paula Deen... the more butter the better! The other side loves to be healthy, exercise, get stronger and be lean. After all  exercise is the key to staying younger longer, and toned muscles under your clothes look far better than flab or even skinniness alone. These two personalities often seem to conflict with each other, but I am determined to enjoy both of them and try for a balanced whole.

So this year on this blog I will try and find delicious, yummy and satisfying meals and desserts with a healthy twist. I will still indulge in my favorite unhealthy foods too, but will balance those times with exercise and eating right most of the time.  My goal is not to be skinny, but to be strong and healthy. 

I have joined a gym recently, and have been exploring their aerobics classes and weight room, (as my husband can attest, as he has to listen to me grunt and groan as I go up and down the stairs after some of my workouts). It has been a lot of fun though and I love moving my body.

Maybe you will be encouraged to move more and eat better most of the time too, while still enjoying those special moments that call for that decadent chocolate brownie with ice cream and hot fudge topping!

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